For the moment you can call me Walter.
Like Walter Bishop I have a solid scientific background, a passion for fresh milk and some history of past mental issues.
As Walter, I'm the proud father of a brilliant and very versatile son with a passion for the languages.
As Walter, I have some years on my shoulders. I have decided to dedicate the next ten years (2016-2026) to the development of a quantum computer.
Because I need something really challenging to keep me busy and happy at the same time. This will be my last run: in ten years from now, I will be too old and too tired to contribute to the progress.
I believe in the free exchange of ideas. This web site contains a lot of documents and links to other web sites related to high performance computing and quantum computing.
If you think to have a good, but too bizarre idea, you may send me a short description (walter at quantum minus dinamic dot com).